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Squiggy Gnome Survey

Please use the following rating scale

1 - Not at all good     5 - As good as it gets.

How would you rate the relaxed (semi-serious) concept for Squiggy?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How was the route?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Was the course adequately marked?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How was lunch?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Event Fees, value for the money?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How important do you think casual/family events are as part of this event?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Rate the campsites or cabins.
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Rate the campgrounds overall and explain your rating.
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Were the prizes good?
Did the medals work for a semi-serious event?
If RV dry camping is available, would you be interested?
How interested would you be in a trail run event?
How interested would you be in a pavement ride event?
How interested would you be in a hiking event?
Are you a Swamp member?

If no, we would love for you to join our membership.

Thanks for submitting!

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