We want you! Here's how to get involved.
Our board of directors is looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Vice President. The VP is a voting member of the board who may help with financial tasks, work with the Action Committee on special projects from time to time, participate in discussions with the County about collaborative efforts, help vet grant opportunities and future funded roles, and fill-in for the President presiding over Swamp business at our Board of Director meetings if the President is unable to participate.
Swamp Board of Director Meetings We have been saying it forever. Posting dates, times, links, telling you all to patch in, and be apart of the larger discussions. Rarely do we see folks from the community chiming in, bringing great, new ideas to the table. What we do see, is a whole lot of griping sometimes with little motivation to make a difference. This is perfect for those who are truly interested in being involved with the decisions that are made that affect the entire community. Be the change you want to see!
Action Committee Members The Action Committee is perfect for those who want to get involved with advocacy, helping strengthen the community through mountain biking, and learn all about what it takes to keep the gears running smooth. The AC, as we like to call it, is our incubator for our board of directors. It's a place that you can bring your creativity and energy and learn about the club's needs and operations to help make a difference. You get to work on cool projects like new trails systems, events, fundraising, leadership and so much more. Action Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of every month. Email pat.sanchez@swampmtbclub.com for more information.
Trail Crew Volunteers Well if you like getting dirty, and know your way around gardening tools, and want to get to know your trails from a different perspective, then this is for you. It also gives you a glimpse into how decisions are implemented trail side. You get to be apart of cool build projects, new maintenance and rework projects, and so much more. Click here to learn more!
Foster-a-Trail Interested in keeping the trails clean but can't make it to a designated trail work day? No problem! Click here to learn more!
Grant Writers Because funding is out there, and in order to expand trail access, money is needed to do so. Trails are not free. This is perfect for those who are have attention to detail and do not mind writing a motivating appeal. Give us your grants, and we will do wonderful things. Email pat.sanchez@swampmtbclub.com for more information.
Marketing Director Because every good advocacy effort needs someone who can develop the vision of how the organization presents itself to the community! This is perfect for outgoing, social media savy, graphical genius, with a huge dose of word smith. Email pat.sanchez@swampmtbclub.com for more information.