It only means time to hit the saddle and literally ride your butts off. Most likely, you will need to do the same.
No worries, there will be lots of opportunities to do so. Actually opportunity is the word today. Lots of opportunities.......
Want an opportunity to take home a brand new bike from Giant? Giant and UBC have teamed up to give a lucky person the chance to take home a new Giant Trance X 29er. Maybe there is a kid out there that could use a new Norco, donated by Adrenaline Bikes. Click here for all the exciting deets!
Want an opportunity to see what you are made of? We are also opening a Ridgeline Masters Challenge which will be a monthly test to see who can collect the most consecutive laps on Ridgeline. No worries, we will do it monthly so you will have an opportunity to get your legs ready before the Grand Masters' Challenge. Check it out here
Of course, CroomFest is a great opportunity to ride your butts off. Hope you will be joining us in February. Register at Ride dirt or pavement with different mileage options. Don't want to pedal, then come paddle! So much fun to be had.
By the way, we will be starting the year off with the long awaited grand opening for our Temple Terrace trails. Yes, put January 14th on your calendar and come check out this little treasure. Swamp will be there to properly introduce you to the trails from 10:00-1:00pm. Some of the City of TT folks will be there as well and have arranged a food truck so come hungry. University BIkes and REI Tampa will be there too. Florida FreeRiders will host guided rides, you can check out Swamp's new merchandise coach and even meet some of Swamp's Board of Directors. The address is 7801 Capwood Ave, Temple Terrace, FL 33637. There is a big huge sign to the left coming from Bullard Parkway. And our friends at Trek will also be offering us some fun opportunities. They will be hosting rides and clinics for us to attend. More on that as things develop.
Lots and lots of riding to be done. So, eat those cookies with a plan to melt them away.

Happiest of holidays Maniacs. Please be safe.