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It’s all about our volunteers! WE NEED YOU

For over 20 plus years, Swamp has been a 100% volunteer driven organization. As a growing organization, the volunteer needs also grow. Currently, our volunteers shoulder trail maintenance, trail building, administration of the club including but not limited to our board of directors, support committees, marketing, merchandise sales, graphic design, web design, social media, staying accountable to the IRS, finances, membership, events, information technology, funding, and more. Yes, and more.

It takes a village to move and grow this club. It takes you. Your membership is the

lifeline for the club, most important and highly valued. Without your support, we

would not have the club that we have. So, when you read the statement that it

takes so much more, know that your membership value is recognized and greatly


Have you given thought to actively volunteering? Is your life transitioning and

giving you more free time that you are looking at sharing? Here is our wish list of

needs that would take some of the burden off of the current volunteers that are

currently shouldering the needs of the club.


  • Trail support

  • Board of Directors support teams

  • Website support, IT support

  • Graphic Design Work

  • Grant writers

  • Bookkeeping skills

  • Marketing support

  • Sponsorship recruiting

  • Membership Coordinator

  • Events staff for November and Feb events

  • Event planners that work behind the scenes of the events.

  • Creative writing skills

  • Club trip planning assistant

  • Permit processor

  • Merchandise Coordinator

If you have time to help support the club, let’s talk!

This message is brought to you by those of us that need your help.

"Volunteer today, what do you say? If not you, then who? Who will be the one, to get it done? Why not tell yourself, I will be the one?" -R. Wilcox

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